We chatted with the chairman of Vemdalens Skoterklubb, Alpo Syväjärvi, about how the snowmobile club digitised their trail passes.
How did you get in touch with Cardskipper?
I first learned about Cardskipper through the Swedish Hunting Association and then received a demo on Cardskipper’s website. The questions that came to my mind were: What can the tool do for us? What benefit can we get as an association?
What requirements did you have when looking for a new solution?
We were stuck with an analogue membership solution with physical mailings. This was a major cost for us. We also needed to increase communication with members and snowmobilers.
Which Cardskipper features have you benefited from the most?
We have worked extensively with the communication tool to reach out to our members. We want to continue to develop this even more in the future. In the long term, we intend to offer members more benefits through our partners, a combination of social channels and Cardskipper.
How did you manage payments before?
Previously, we used physical invoices as well as cash payments and Swish. We can now avoid this administration altogether, and that is wonderful. Another nice feature of Cardskipper is that we receive detailed member reports and financial reports showing how the business is growing. The reports are nicely broken down into specific categories that we can follow up on. This provides us with a better overview of our financial and membership situation and also makes handling of finances and personal data safer.
What kind of members do you have?
Landowners and snowmobilers who pay for a trail pass for the whole or part of a season.
How have your members received it?
We have a lot of tourism around here, and many people who want to enjoy the mountains and nature. It is important to provide simple solutions, protect the environment and experience, and maintain it.
The potential growth is good, among other things, through local collaboration with neighbouring clubs and the tourism industry.
If you would recommend us to other organisations, what would you tell them?
It is a simple system that reduces administration and handles personal data in a GDPR-secure way. The service desk also provides great support. Therefore, I would recommend everyone try it.
Does your organisation also need help digitising trail passes, licenses or membership cards?
You are welcome to contact us at info@cardskipper.se or send a request directly.